
Porno Film Nowayout

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porno film NoWayOut
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DanFrancis 67mo ago

No Way Out
Just moments ago, Ash Hollywood was engaged in rough, passionate sex with her boyfriend and now caught in the middle of a shoot out; her boyfriend is lying dead on the ground. Afraid with nowhere to run, Ash Hollywood is captured and awakes the next day in a mysterious cell. Unknowingly to Ash, Eric has recruited her to a special agency's headquarters, to train in the art of assassination. Her training is divided between steamy lessons with the sexy Madison Ivy in martial arts and the beautiful Monique Alexander in manipulation and seduction. Upon completion of the program, Ash leaves with a new identity, Tia Snow. In addition to her assignments, she finds love with Luc, a local civilian and is to hide her true profession. Just as life seems stable news of treason within the agency hits, leaving Eric dead. Now it's up to Tia to seek vengeance while protecting the only person she loves, Luc.

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